I Don't Know What The F@ck I'm Doing

Episode 5: Work To Live

Hello, lovely readers! Not much has changed in my life in the last week, but hey, that’s okay. Because a military whistleblower has just come forward claiming that the U.S. Government has intact alien vehicles! This account further solidifies my belief that we are not alone – honestly not even a hot take at this point. Of greater concern, in my opinion, is whether or not we are under the threat of imminent destruction. But to be honest, all that nonsense is above my paygrade. I just live my life as best as I can and wait for the invasion sirens. Should this news just serve as another reminder that nothing we do matters? No one will save us? Are we all just meaningless motes of dust hurtling through vast stretches of empty space, waiting for a lifeform more significant than us to come along and wipe us out? I say nay! I think it’s a sign for all of us to take ourselves a little less seriously. Loosen the belt a bit after dinner. Make faces at your significant other in public. And for the LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY – Stop buying into ‘hustle porn’!

What the hell is ‘hustle porn’ you ask? You may have seen posts fitting this category on Twitter or LinkedIn. “If you are 20-30 years old and you aren’t 1. Obscenely wealthy, 2. Married to the hottest person on the planet, and 3. Way more successful than everyone around you, then you aren’t achieving your REAL potential! Get better!” And yes, this may be over the top, but I wouldn’t be surprised if something similar is floating around out there. The problem comes when people belittle others for wanting a little control over or time off from work. It’s a common enough situation where someone is so absorbed in their occupation that they become known as a ‘workaholic’. This may even be considered a positive depending on your workplace culture. I, for one, don’t get it.  While I am not clear on what my reason for existing is (see title of blog), it for damn sure isn’t to spend the rest of my life clocking absurd hours for some corporate overlord! (To be clear I am not taking shots at my company, they treat employees like family and are very considerate of work-life balance. I’m just making a point!) Now don’t get things twisted, I am not advocating laziness or cutting corners – that can literally cost lives in construction. I am, however, advocating taking that half-day or that long lunch, rejecting that off-hours work call and declining that useless meeting! Take some time to do something that makes you feel good. Life is short and, for most people, work sucks.Not everyone ends up with the job of their dreams. It’s sad, but that’s the way the world works. But everyone should exploit their job to make their life as pleasurable as possible. I think there are a lot of companies that are with the program – they have pet friendly offices, beer/espresso on tap, or host company outings. But there are just as many that will make you use PTO for a doctors appointment, or hand you a steaming write-up for arriving late after your car was broken into. I sincerely hope that, for our sanity, we all steer clear of those. This may have gotten a bit long-winded, but I just truly believe that your job should work for you just as much as you work for it. That’s the only way I see myself leaving this world – peacefully, having worked to live, not lived to work. Either that or fighting like hell while extraterrestrial beings try and shove me in their tractor beam. I am ready for either.That’s all I’ve got for this week, be nice to yourselves and watch out for UFO’s.Much Love.


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